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On 18 Jun 2023, a group of 32 students from Faculty of Engineering Technology Chemical and Process Universiti Malaysia Pahang who embarked on an EDUCATIONAL VISIT TO BAKER HUGHES, CWI KSB KEMAMAN. Led by Ts. Dr. Norida Binti Ridzuan, the visit aimed to provide students with first hand exposure to the operations and technologies employed by one of the leading companies in the oil and gas industry.

Baker Hughes is a renowned global energy technology company, known for its expertise in oilfield services and digital solutions. The CWI KSB Kemaman facility, located in Kemaman, Malaysia, plays a pivotal role in providing comprehensive well construction and intervention solutions to the industry. The visit offered an invaluable opportunity for the UMP students to witness the cutting-edge technologies and processes employed by Baker Hughes in their operations.

Upon arrival at the CWI KSB Kemaman facility, the UMP students were warmly welcomed by a team of industry experts from Baker Hughes which are Mr Hirman, Mr Saiful, Mr Muhammad Azim Kamarudin, Mr Nicholas Lo and others staffs. The visit commenced with a comprehensive safety briefing, followed by a detailed explanation of the warehouse operations and facilities.

The experts then led the students on a guided tour of the facility, showcasing the various departments and specialized equipment. From the drilling and completion tools to the intervention and production enhancement technologies, the students were exposed to the state-of-the-art equipment used in the oil and gas industry. The experts took the time to explain the purpose and functioning of each technology, giving the students a comprehensive understanding of their applications in real-world scenarios.

During these sessions, the students posed insightful questions and received detailed explanations from the experts. The discussions revolved around the challenges faced by the industry, the latest advancements in technology, and the career opportunities available in the field of oil and gas. The students gained valuable insights into the industry's future direction and the skill sets required to succeed in the dynamic oil and gas sector.

The visit to Baker Hughes, CWI KSB Kemaman served as a catalyst for the UMP students' professional growth and development specifically for Bachelor Degree of Mechanical Engineering Technology (Petroleum) student Universiti Malaysia Pahang. By witnessing the industry's cutting-edge technologies, engaging in knowledge exchange, and interacting with experts, the students were inspired to strive for excellence in their academic pursuits and future careers.

Prepared by: Ts. Dr. Norida binti Ridzuan, Subsea Engineering (BTO3243) Coordinator


Faculty of Chemical and Process Engineering Technology
Level 1 Chancellery Building
Universiti Malaysia Pahang
Al-Sultan Abdullah
Lebuh Persiaran Tun Khalil Yaakob
26300 Kuantan
Pahang Darul Makmur.