Research Overview

Since its establishment in 2002, FTKKP (formerly known as FKKSA) has been tasked with the responsibilities to embark on research and development activities, particularly in the area of fine and specialty chemicals, chemical process up-scaling and biotechnologu-related processes in order to generate expertise relevant to the needs of the industry.
In light of the establishment of the East Coast Economic Region (ECER), FTKKP is expected to play an important role as well as become a centre of reference for chemical and biotechnology-related activities. It will also serve as a catalyst for the development of these activities through program such as technology transfer, staff exchange, training, consultancy, and other services relating to chemical and natural resources engineering.
Currently, there are several Research Clusters at FTKKP. These research clusters have been set up to bring together researchers working in a number of different disciplines to promote inter-disciplinary synergies and to create new possibilites for outputs, engagement and impact. These clusters are as follows:
- Advanced Material (AMReC)
- Separation and Technology (SPT)
- Bioprocess and Biosystem Engineering (BBEC)
- Reaction Intensification and Sustainable Energy (RISE)
- Process Systems Engineering and Safety (ProSES)
- Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Technology (PharmTech)
- Energy, Oil and Gas (EOG)
Student Exchange Programme