On 20-21 November 2020, 32nd International Invention, Innovation & Technology Exhibition 2020 (ITEX’20) was held virtually. FTKKP academicians have won two gold medals at the event. First gold medal awarded to project tiltle SIEx: Super Ion Exchange Resin for Innovative Water Treatment. The project was led by Assoc. Prof. Ts. Dr. Norhayati Abdullah.
Assoc. Prof. Ts. Dr. Norhayati Binti Abdullah with her product.
SIEx: Super Ion Exchange Resin for Innovative Water Treatment
The second gold medal won by project led by Dr. Rajaletchumy Veloo Kutty with title Man-Pro Herbal Scalp Care. ITEX is where commercialisation of inventions/new products happens. Inventors can seek out potential investors here and convince them why funding their invention can benefit society.
Dr. Rajaletchumy Veloo Kutty (blue lab coat)
Man-Pro Herbal Scalp Care